Senin, 16 Maret 2015

Tugas Sofskill Bulan Pertama Bahasa Ingris 2

Unit 1A Page 7

A. Vocabulary the people in my life

1.       Mother, father, son, daughter, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, cousin, nephew, niece, brother

2.      Female : mother, daughter, grandmother, aunt, niece. Wale : father, son, grandfather, nephew

3.       G : sister                                              D : boss                                               J : step father
F : niece                                               C : boyfriend                                      M : step mother
E : sandra husband                               N : colleggue
K : son of stan                                      B : neighbour
A : flatmate                                          L : father
O : ex-boyfriend                               i : mother

4.    A : fatima                                        H : wanda                            O : warren
       B : Mrs. Mirren                               i : tina
       C : stan                                            J : costas
       D : tom                                            K : danny
       E : ray                                              L : harry
       F : grace                                           M : roxette
       G : sandra                                         N : tracey
5.     Wanda has a family that is harry and roxette and tinda costas. mempuyai sister Sandra, and sandra married to Ray now has a baby named Grace. Wanda worked at the company as a secretary and had a boss named tom and tom dating tracey. Wanda have a friend that is fatima, warren, booth and danny. Danny know wanda of stan and acqaintances mrs mirren.

C. Grammar subject questions and object quenstions

9.  Subject - verb – object
a)      Tom       -   loves      -   wanda
b)      Sandra   -  married  -   ray
c)       Warren -   visited    -   wanda
d)      Warren -   loves       -   wanda
e)                     -    forgot   -   harky
f)       Tino       -   divarced -  harry

10. 1. Who does tom loe?                                          
2. who did Sandra merry?
3. who did tina disvorce?
4. who loves wanda?
5. who forgot the key?                                             
6. who visited wanda?

11.  Question number 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 are subject question number 2, 3 and 6 are object      question.

12.   A : Who friend wanda ?
        B  : Friend wanda is fatima, stan, danny, and warren


14.  A : Deny your boyfriend ?

        B : Yes, he’s my boyfriend

15. Whether your sister junior high school?
       Where do you live ?

Unit 1B Page 9

A. Vocabulary ways of greeting

1.  a) put your hand on the other personis shoulder
     b) kiss cach other on the cheeks
     c) kiss each on the lips
     d) hug each other
     e) shake houds with each other
     f) bow
     g) wave to each other

2. I and my friends are always hugging each meeting
    Shaking hands with people who want acquaintance

B. Read and respond        

3.  a. 4
     b. 2
     c. 3
     d. 7
     e. 5
     f. 1
     g. 6

4. A : Hai.... how are you?
    B  : Hai too.. i’fine and you?
    A  : I fine too, nice too met you
    B  : Nice too met you  

7. /mis/miss                       /miz/ms
    /’misiz/mrs                     /’mistar(r)/mr

9.  1. They’rre hugging each other (c)
      2. She’s hugging her self (b)
      3. She’s hugging someone else (a)
10. Subject  -  possive  -  object  -  reflexive
       I               -  my          -  me        -  myself
       You        -  your       -  you       -  yourself
       He          -  his          -  his        -   hisself
       She        -  her         -   her       -   herself
       We         -  our        -   us         -   ourselves
       They      -  their      -   them    -   themselves

11. An acquantince a friend of a friend, for example.

12. 2) with friend
       3) to eat
       4) almost 1 year
       5) gift
       6) teacher
       7) you

Unit 1C Page 11

A. Read an art catalogue description

1. I think don’t know this pic and i’m not really like this pic

2. a. The little girl in the white dress is princess margarita
    b.  The painter is diego velazquer. I can’t see the painting. I can’t see what it is

3.  6. Margarita                   3. Marietia                          8. Maribarbala
     2. Jose mote                   5. Maria                                Everybody in this pic was inputioupd
     1. Diego                         7. Isabel
     4. Princess                      9. Nicolas 

B. Vocabulary Position

4.  At the back (of the room) 2                       in front (of the girl) 8
     In the middle (of 5)                                    to the left (of 6)
     On the froat (of 3)                                      to the right (of 9)
     On the left (of 1)                                         behind (the girl) 7
     On the right (of 4)

5. in frount  at the back of  to the left  on the right

6. Where Laras?
     She’s stay in school for study

C. Grammar present simple and continuos                 

7. Diego Valezquez

8. a) i like art
    b) tourist always visit the Prado
    c) he lives in madrid
    d) she’s looking at the princess
    e) i’m learning to paint

9. 1.  Wants          4. Spend
     2. Think           5. Talk
     3.  Paint           6. Write

10. I like ice cream in Singapore

11. Riris invited to eat at the night   

Unit 1D Page 13

A. Vocabulary cognates and false friends

1. B,  C, A

2. Actually (1)                     large (3)                              smoking (2)
    Apple (4)                         novel (1)                             taxi (2)
    Camera (2)                      parent (2)                            tennis (2)
    Exit (2)                            police (2)

B. Read and identify misunderstanding

4. 1.  Wait
    2. Weight
    3. Weight

5.  Buying fruit (4)                            cross word (3)
     Chatting of work (2)                    english class (1)

6.- ‘Flu’ the image number 2 there is a misunderstanding between coworkers. answers given by the woman is not in accordance with his question. his colleagues asked whether he had the flu? and he did not answer right or not disconnected.
- ‘Pair’ picture number 4 describes the fruit and in the text, the word used is not appropriate, should use the phrase pair of pieces that do not use the word pair.

7. 1. B                    5. F              9.  M            13. P
     2. A                   6. X             10.L
     3. S                    7. O             11.I
     4. Z                    8. R             12.N

10.A (1) can i have some bananas, please?
      B (2) yes, of course which oves do you want?
      A (3) oh, ehm... i’ll take that pair
      B (4) pardon? Out you want ony bananas, then?
      B (5) you want a pear?                                           
      A (6) i’m sorry. I dont under syand
      B (7) oh, haha. Ok sorry, i wis understood. I tuoght you said pear, PEAR!
      A (8) oh, i see i no. I meant pair, PAIR! I’d like those two bananas, please

Unit 1E Page 14

A. Get ideas to write about

1. 1. People she doesn’t know
     2. meet new people
     3. attacing a photo with the email

2.  1. Greeting
     2. my name and how i heard about the discussion group
     3. my general background and interest
     4. my interest in the topic
     5. my hopes for the future
     6. goodbye

3. Best wishes

4. part in the school environment
    part in the campus
    part in family
    part in friendship
    part in the environment for
    part in ourselves

5. notes for everything

B. Drafting and editing 

6. i think warren should move his hopes, he should put his hopes after his interest in the topic of the discussion group.

7. i have same ideas with my partner.

AB put it all together

8. Hai my name Risa Octatuvia Arbianti you call me risa or ica. I was 18 years old I went to University Gunadarma. I was very happy because have new friends and all my new friends good.

9. No

10. yes, happy.

Unit 2A Page 17

A. Vocabulary people and place

Religious groups
Regions/parts of continents
          Central America
The middle east
The south pacific
East Africa

Religious groups
Regions/parts of continents
East asia

4.  Well, in photo 7 there’s a mayan girl, maybe 6 years old
     Yanomami women at number 8 is definitely not married

C.    Grammar the before geographical names

Use the before
Don’t use the before
Mountain ranges - the alps
Regions - polynesia
Rivers – the nile
Single mountain – mount everest
Oceans and seas – the atlantik
Countries - india
Island groups – north islands
Continents - asia
Desert – the Arabian desert
Single islands – the canary islands
Some countries* - the uniteds states
Cities - london
Some regions* -  the far east
Lakes – lake victoria


9.    1.              Lake Titicaca is in the andes mountain
       2.  the atlas mountains are north of sahara desert
       3.              Baffin island is in the Canada
       4.              lake Victoria is in the Africa
       5.              Jordan is in the middle east
       6.              Polynesia is in the pacific ocean
       7.              Britain is also called the united kingdom 
D.   spelling and pronunciation c and g


The letter c =
The letter g usually =
Before e, i, y
The pacific
Before any other letter or at the end of a word
The artic

Unit 2B Page 19

A. Read a newspaper article

1. Books = lascar pelangi
    Clothes = Peter says denim (PSD)
    Famous people = ir. soekarno               
    Food = sate, bakso, nasi goreng, gado-gado
    Geography = archipelago
    Places that tourist visit = bali
    Souvenirs = batik
    Weather = hot weather

2. Places that tourist visit = London
    Food = apple pie, fish and chips
    Weather = hot, cold, warm
    National symbol = the three lions

3. Places that tourist visit : big ben in the London

4.      1. Always turn into Sometimes
         2. sometimes turn into usually
         3. hardly ever turn into always
         4. quite often turn into never
         5. sometimes turn into always
         6. usually turn into rarely 

5.            1. No, I do not think about it
               2. Now, Chinese tourist are allowed to travel to Britain in groups(1).  Also, the Chinese      economy strong(2) and air lines are introducing more direct flight from china to Britain
               3. because they think London the same as those in the book “the famous London”
               4. because they prefer to visit historic sites
               5. because Chinese tourist rarely stay in Britain for more than a few days before continuing to another European country.

6.  No

B.   Grammar adverbs of frequency

·         Usually
·         Often
·         Sometimes
·         Never

10.  1. Always, sometimes, often, quite often, usually, never, hardly ever, rarely
       2.  can>could, may>might, shall>should, will>would, must, ought, need and dare
       3. they, we, I, you.

11.  2. I go aboard on my holidays. I never go aboard on my holiday. I prefer to go to fishing.
       3. I eat Chinese food. I often eat Chinese food
       4. tourists are interested in the history of my country. Tourist are rarely interested in the   history of my own country.
       5. foreigners have old fashioned ideas of my country. foreigners have old fashioned    ideas of my country.
       6. I visit the usual tourist sights in my own country. I hardly ever visit the usual tourist sights in my own country.

Unit 2C Page 21

A. Read for detail

1.  Brick, sand (material)
     Slight, thick, short(shape and size)
     Foundation, hinge (parts and object)

 2.  h= water pot, f= chair wood

3.   4 = fishing floats         3 = potato masker           1 = wooden headrest
      2 = baseball glove       5 = mate cup and straw

4.   1 = j
      2 = L
      3 = D
      4 = G
      5 = B
B.  Vocabulary phrases for describing objects   

6.   1. F, J, K
      2. I
      3. B
      4. K
      5. C, L
      6. F
8. 2. This is not an ordinary glove, is used to catch the ball
    3. it is leather, topped objects covered with animal skins
    4. it isn’t water carrier, but you can use it to carry water for drinking

10.  A: this is used for?
        B: it’s use for carrying headrest

Unit 2D Page 23

A. Read an anecdote

1. I visited semarang last month, there way to speak them different.

2. chopstick, difficult but you don’t need a fork

3. maybe he was the flu, because he was disposing of snot using tissue

4. true, the picture shows people who are wasting snot

5. 1. Next time he needed to blow nose he decided to leave the  table and go to the toilet. He didn’t know where to put her chopstick. So he stuck in her bowl of rice.
    2. to be more careful in the act
B. Grammar past simple and past cotinous
6. feeling, covering
7. past simple : my cold was not quite  finished and my nose was still running a little
8. past continous : I was feeling quite please with myself
9. the next time I needed to blow my nose.
10. I lived in spain. During the first day, I didn’t go out because I had a cold. The next Time, I was feeling better. Some friend invited me out to eat. We met at ten and  went to a bar.

Unit 2E Page 24

A. Vocabulary review

1.  gender, east Africa, bowl.

2.  able, about, above, accept, accident, Etc
B.  read end understand narrative          

3. Going on Holiday

4. Doens’t say

C. organize your writing paragraph

5.  Three
     One sentence
     The context
     The main event
     The result of the main event

6.  When and where I went, where I was when the event happened, what happened in the end.

Unit 3A Page 27

A. Read e show story

1. Agree,  Agree

2. Mathematics 
    Go for a walk

3. a. Our memories of school of are better than the reality
    b. Our piece of information can change your memories

4.  1. bernadette
     2. Yes, bernadette good
     3. to get found email address
     4. still
     5. very happy

B. Grammar used to

5. She used to sing well in assembly

6. 1.  A. True
          B. True
    2.  A. False
         B.  True

8. + (he used to love him)
     - (he dont to love her)
     ? (did you sing?)

9.  2. Bernadette used an apple in the break on day
     3. She didn’t speak to me when we were at school
     4. I used bernadette last Saturday
     5. Did you fancy anybody in your class?
     6. How did you find bernadette’s email address?

10. Fitting when the first smp my body fat is now fatter

Unit 3B Page 29

A. Vocabulary achievement words

1. I'd love to go for walks abroad with family

2.  2. Felt
     3. keep trying
     4. success
     5. successfull
     6. keep doing

3.  2. He succeeded in to pass his exams
     3. He never give up kept trying
     4. His teachers are pleased with what he’s achivement
     5. He has been succesfull in learning to write

B. Read a newspaper article

4. Very old world

5. Yes, my guess is correct

6.  2. False
     6. False

7.  1. Speak at the united nations about the importance of free primary education.
     2. When kimani’s started school, he couldn’t hold a pen.
     3. Kimani started at primary school last year, when the kenyan government introduced free   primary education.

C. Grammar present perfect and past simple

8. Last week       this week
    Last year         this year

10.  Have               Have
       Have               Have

11. 2. Your life 

       3. In my life
       4. Your life

13. A : This week I'm going to go sightseeing, if you want to come?
      B : Wow... I may also
      A : Ok, see you
      B : See you too

Unit 3C Page 31

A. Read a photo story  

1. Teenagers should       Parent should
     1. Agree                          1. Agree
     2. Agree                          2. Agree
     3. Agree                          3. Disagree

2. He is happy when her friends and she came to the party.

3. Happy

B. Grammar and vocabulary phrasal verb 

5.  2. Take off
     3. Turn up
     4. Put away
     5. Turn on
     6. Put on

6.  His shoes       He objcet

7.  2. Incorrect
     3. Correct
     4. Correct
     5. Incorrect

8. 2. Wake up                     6. Fed up
    3. Quiken                        7. Became
    4. Hurry up
    5. Angry

9. 1. Sick                               4. Advising me
     2. Have                            5. Do not use
     3. Must justify story        6. To finish

Unit 3D Page 33

A. Vocabulary education   

1. Education system in the country I have to go to school with diligence and also comply with our school how lam.

2.  (2)      (3)          (1)
     (4)     (5)

3. 2. Faculty                        6. Professor
    3. Collage                        7. Teacher
    4. School                         8. School
    5. Classes

B. Read and make decisions        

4. Go to an advertising agency and do in-service training in the photography

5. Picture 1

6. Awesome

C. Pronunciation word endings which can affect stress

7. graduated                      photography
    applycation                  publicy

10. Yes, of course

12. Left 15
       Left 11
       Left 12
       Left 10

Unit 3E Page 34        
A. Vocabulary review

1. Bad at maths (education)        Geography (education)
     Cycling (personality)              Lazy (personality)
     Drawing (personality)             Manager (work)
     Faculty (education)                 Self-employed (work) 

2.  Lazy
     Bad at maths

B. Read a CV

3. Unemployed

4. French teacher, English teacher

5. Full sentences              Informative
    Facts                            Quick notes

C. Text building       

6. I’m reable. I’m puntucal. I’m graduated

7. Name : Risa Octatuvia Arbianti              Nick name : Risa or ica

8. Qualitification, skill, expertise

9.  Name : Risa Octatuvia Arbianti
     Address : Manunggal 17
     Email :
     Telephone : 08881892340

11. I think he will get a job.